I have always been an avid reader, and always in awe of the people whose imaginations created the stories that I love. It sounded like an unattainably difficult task, and yet the most satisfying sort of creativity that I could imagine. I put a lot of thought into the idea of breaking down the process bit by bit until a story emerged, and it eventually sounded like something that I might actually be able to do. I knew that I wouldn’t really know until I tried.
What do you expect readers to take away from your book?
In Truth Cursed, my main character struggles to understand her own worth and to place trust in others. I would love for readers to take away the truth that none of us have to face our trials on our own, and that no matter how badly we think we’ve messed up, we can be forgiven and keep moving upward.
What writing experience/credits did you have prior to publishing your book?
Prior to writing Truth Cursed, I studied English Literature in college and honed my craft on a variety of projects. I also had a couple of short fairy tales published in an online magazine.
How long did it take you to write that book? How many rewrites did you do on it?
The first draft only took a few short months, but the revision process took place on and off over the course of a few years. After about two years of revising, I took a break to work on other writing projects, then came back to it again a couple of years later. The entire process from conception to publication day (including breaks) probably took about a dozen drafts over the course of nine to ten years!
Who encouraged you along the way?
I was blessed with multiple teachers from grade school through college who helped me feel validated and encouraged in my love for reading and writing. I am so thankful for them. During the many years of learning how to write and revise, my husband was my primary sounding board and encourager, the one who had to live with the ongoing angst of my writerly woes. :) I also have been blessed by a very encouraging family, and friends who have offered a listening ear and advice countless times. There are many people in my life who would not let me give up and I thank God for them!
Are you active with any writer’s critique groups?
Not formally, no. Over the years I have swapped writing with friends to offer and receive feedback, which has been wonderfully supportive and helpful.
How did you go about finding an agent/publisher?
Using various online databases and resources to find agencies and peruse wish-lists, I cold-queried agents on and off with multiple projects over the course of a few years. I received some occasional feedback but few responses overall. I started looking closely at Enclave Publishing when I discovered their books and felt that mine would fit in well. They are a traditional press that accepts unsolicited submissions, so I sent in my work, following the submission guidelines on their website. A few months later, I received the publication offer.
From the time you were signed by your agent/publisher how long did it take to get the publishing contract and the book published?
Contract discussions took place over a matter of weeks, and then the publication process took just over a year.
What has surprised you the most about getting published other than the joy of seeing your book in print?
I think what has surprised me the most is just how much goes on behind the scenes. From edits to design to marketing, there is a lot of work that goes into making sure the book is well-produced and ready for readers.
What is the best advice you’ve been given that has helped you in your writing?
When you are creating, filled with purpose, and giving it your all, nothing is ever wasted. Not your time, not your efforts, and certainly not your ideas…even the discarded ones. Everything you put into your writing will serve a purpose. Perhaps the purpose is simply to hone your craft or to prepare you for some other task or calling, or perhaps an idea that you chucked years ago will return with new purpose and clarity. Do not give up, and do not be discouraged.
I wish I could credit a specific person for this advice; it is wisdom that I have gleaned here and there over the years.
Are there other books in the works?
Yes, I am writing as often as I can and excited for what the future holds.
That's all for today's interview. Here are the best links to learn more about her writing.
Website: angiedickinsonbooks.com
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Sq5KEs
Enclave Publishing (get 20% off by buying direct): https://www.enclavepublishingstore.com/ya/epad001h-truth-cursed-hb-88605-1742
Instagram: www.instagram.com/angiedickinsonbooks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556496787590