You’ve now published multiple books in your family saga series, but what inspired you to write that first one?
had a monthly column in our local English newspaper for fifteen years and
covered topics around raising children in the country, and beginning your
genealogy research, amongst others. But my love has always been fiction. When I
started writing the series, I had the character of Ellie in my mind fully
formed. I could see her, I knew who she was and what she wanted. She was
already like a friend!
How do you go about plotting your mystery? What do you think makes for a
perfect mystery?
The first book, Family Secrets, was
fully fleshed for me by the time I started writing it. As I finished the first
draft, I had the next two books outlined in my head. This series does not have
murders per se, it has family mysteries. They surround dead ancestors, but also
fill in some gaps for the living. I usually pick the character I want to
highlight first, then, using what has been hinted at in a previous book, create
the mystery that needs to be solved. I want everyone to shine in a book at some
You offer your books as E readers, paperbacks, hardcover, and audio versions. My favorite form of reading is with an eBook. What format is the most popular with your readers?
What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in
your writing?
The best encouragement I've had is from
some of my first readers for my first book. I asked people who I knew would
give me the truth about my writing, and not just say "that was such a good
book" just to be nice. When my hardest reader to please said "when's
the next book coming?" I knew I had something. Then it was getting lovely
reviews from complete strangers who had bonded with my characters and wanted
Marketing is the biggest key to getting
sales. What is the best marketing source you've used that has produces more
sales rather than just clicks?
This is a tricky one, because marketing is a huge topic and hit and miss due to various circumstances. Does your cover resonate? Have you edited the book properly? Do you know your audience? That's just to start. Then when you get to marketing, how do you get it to the people you want to read it? Not everyone is going to enjoy this type of book. Find the groups where your readers are.
My books are about genealogy, one of the fastest growing hobbies in the world. I use a few marketing strategies. I use Facebook groups, Amazon Ads (which I'm still learning about!!), my website and newsletter, Instagram, BlueSky, and word of mouth. I'll be looking at Facebook Ads this year.
I've also found that the kindness of other authors to share my posts has been priceless. Give and take, especially for authors who write in other genres. My readers might like Victorian sagas as well as genealogy. And their readers might be curious about my genealogy mysteries. Another thing I believe works for me (but might not work for everyone) is that I'm not wide. I'm in Kindle Unlimited and half my income comes from KU. My audiobooks are wide, however.
What do you know now about writing you
wished you had known sooner?
Always have a pen and paper by your
side and jot down ALL ideas (I learned that the hard way!). There are certain
rules to follow when writing, but you can adapt them to your voice and genre.
Readers know what they want and they're very vocal about it. Don't take that
personally, but keep it in mind. Writing is hard and you have to be
consistent. Marketing is hard and you have to be open to trying new things. And
I've found that connecting with readers is the best thing in the world!
What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?
Are there any other points about writing
you would like to add?
Most writers that I know write because
they have stories inside they want to share. Or because they can't find the
book they want to read, so they write it themselves. Decide whether you want
your writing to be a hobby or a job, because they are different, but each is
amazing. And NEVER give up on the dream of finishing that book. It took me a
long time to publish my first book. I dabbled for years in various mediums and
when I knew exactly what I wanted, I went for it. There is nothing like holding
your first book in your hands!
What is the next book coming out? Can you give me a short synopsis?
Family Vows just published this month. It centers around Ellie and Quinn's marriage and their families
coming from Scotland and England to help them celebrate. Ellie and her Heritage
Harvesters will solve a few mysteries along the way and we'll finally find out
what Aunt Norma's secret is! New possibilities abound for the future.
That's all for today's interview. If you'd like to learn more about Beth's books, here are the links to get you started.
While you're on her website, sign up for her newsletter and receive a free PDF with over 100 questions to help you start writing your own memoirs.
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