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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Keep a Notebook Handy: Author Interview with Monika Polefka-Proulx

You’ve now published multiple books, some for adults and some for children. What inspired you to write books for children?

I've always loved reading, and I genuinely feel children need good books that not only entertain, but also encourage empathy, values, adventure, and love. A good children's book nurtures a love of reading, and in turn a love of learning.
Even as a child, I made up stories. Thankfully, I now have the joy of sharing stories with people around the world. I love writing. When I write for adults, I write with themes centered around personal growth and resilience, and when I write for children, I try to teach them lessons about being a good human being.
You are an indie author. Other than writing, what other parts of the process do you personally do? What do you hire others to do?
i do it all. I write, create the covers, interior design, market, and upload the books to print on demand platforms for distribution. I love the whole process of turning a manuscript into a physical book and eBook.
I also offer my services to other authors who are new to the process or those who want to focus on writing. It is an immense pleasure to work with other authors and help them bring their stories to life.

What do you know now about publishing you wished you had known sooner?

When I wrote my first book, No Matter What – How Far Would You Go to Save Your Child? I didn’t know anything about publishing. I just knew other parents needed to read my family’s story so that they wouldn’t feel alone. So I jumped in. Fortunately, I connected with a fantastic publisher who guided me and taught me everything I needed to know.
At the time, I thought writing the book would be the tough part, and it was, but what authors often don’t understand is that writing is only the beginning. I didn’t understand the importance of connecting with my audience, staying engaged, and being active on social media. If I was starting today, it would be a different story. I encourage all authors to do the following:
1. Know your audience
2. Connect with them regularly
3. Always have books with you
4. Post regularly 
5. Don't get discouraged, it takes perseverance. 
What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?

The best writing advice I can give is always to be prepared. Keep a notebook handy, be aware of your surroundings, and jot down all ideas that come to you. You never know when magic will strike, so be observant and enjoy the beauty of life.A

Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?
I would advise authors to write a strong outline. It makes a huge difference when you have a roadmap, especially when an author experiences writer’s block. Having a solid outline keeps your writing moving forward.

What is the next book coming out? Can you give me a short synopsis?
My next book is a fun little project I’ve been working on. It is called Animal Adventures and is a coloring book with A-Z fun and interesting facts about animals. I wanted to create a book with pages for children to color so they could get involved with the story.
Here's the synopsis: Embark on a colorful adventure through the animal kingdom! From alligators to zebras, this A to Z coloring book is packed with fun, friendly animals for kids to bring to life. With each page, young artists can explore new creatures while learning interesting animal facts. Perfect for kids who love to color, discover, and imagine!
Sounds like fun! That's all for today's interview. If you  would like to learn more about Monika's books, here is how you can get you started. 
And here's a bonus for my readers... L
eave a comment on this post and we'll pick one reader who'll receive a pdf copy of one of  Monica's 
books. You'll have a choice of the Barky Birds story on the top of this post or the one to the right of this paragraph. So do that now. It can be as simple as I want to be in the giveaway. We'll chose a winner next Wednesday!
But that's not all... If you're a writer, Monica is offering an assortment of free writing guides on her site. Here's the link to learn ways to improve your writing and marketing. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Synergy of Working with Others: Author Interview with Vida Li Sik

Amazon shows you having 13 published books, but what inspired you to write that first book? What did you learn from writing that book that helped you to continue to write?

My first book, Bowled Over, is a sports romance between a cricketer and a female reporter that centres around match-fixing (a hot topic around the time I worked as a sports reporter). My inspiration is often sparked by the "what if?" question, and in this case it was " What if a passionate cricketer and a determined female reporter, each on opposing sides of a controversial match-fixing scandal, find themselves drawn to each other against all odds? 

I could only write at night once I'd put my two boys to bed. While I spent months doing prep work, I did the actual writing during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I managed to pen 50,000 words in 30 days. The tremendous pressure to finish my first book helped me realise what I was capable of as a writer.

You’re an indie author, which means you’re in charge of everything. What other parts of the process do you personally do or hire others to do?
I've always done everything myself, using my skills as a copy editor to edit my books, and also using a free version of editing software to get by. I also use a marketing platform where authors and readers can connect to sell books and do newsletter swaps. This year, after much prayer, I was finally able to afford to hire an editor and I now have her editing a couple of books on my backlist.

What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in your writing?
Connecting with local authors and writers from around the world in my genre has been incredibly rewarding. Having a supportive sounding board to share ideas with or just chat when I need it most has made a tremendous difference in my journey.

Marketing is the biggest key to making sales. What is the best marketing source you've used that has produced more sales rather than just clicks? 
Collaborations with other authors on platforms such as Facebook parties or private groups where we can meet and interact with readers.

What do you know now about writing you wished you had known sooner? 
I’ve learned to trust my instincts and silence the negative voices that lead to self-doubt. Embracing my confidence has been a valuable part of my journey.

What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give? 
The best advice is to write that first draft and get your story done, no matter how bad you think it is. You can rewrite and change things afterward to your heart's content, but you can't edit a blank page.

Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?
Find your niche and write the story you’d love to read. It’s more fulfilling to connect with a smaller, dedicated audience who will appreciate your work than to compete for the attention of thousands.

What is the next book coming out or latest release? Can you give me a short synopsis?
I just released a Christian women's fiction story that's part of a larger group of stories that all  take place on Sycamore Street. My story about a woman who leaves South Africa after a traumatic event. She struggles to build a new life for her family in a small English village when she gets into a dispute over a fence. It's a story about resilience, community, and a sense of belonging.

That's all for today's interview. If you'd like to learn more about Vida's books, here are some links to get you started. 
Amazon author page: 

And here's a bonus for my readers...Leave a comment on this post and we'll pick one reader who'll receive a copy of Vida's new eBook, The Outsider's Welcome. So do that now. It can be as simple as I want to be in the giveaway. We'll chose a winner next Friday!