
Thursday, December 24, 2015

T’was the day before Christmas, when all through the town

All the shoppers were scurrying
with many a frown
With gifts still to buy
for niece, nephew and son,
They wondered if shopping
would ever be done 

The roads all were clogged
with cars big and small 
Trying to get in or out
of some shopping mall

The drivers weren’t happy 
each honking a horn
No sign of goodwill,
just plenty of scorn

Then out on a corner 
a small group came together
Although it was cold
they thought not of the weather

Once in their places, 
they started their song
With hopes to cheer drivers
as they traveled along

Very few drivers
at first seemed to care
Most didn’t notice
even that they were there

Then little by little
windows started rolling down
As drivers began to wonder
what is that sound? 

The words they heard
of a midnight clear

About a sacred birth
of a baby so dear
With choirs of angels
gathered in a throng
To proclaim his coming
in beautiful song

The songs continued on
about peace on earth
And of the importance
of a virgin birth

About three kings 
and the gifts that they brought
To the baby born king
whom they had sought

 Lastly they sang
about that one holy night
When a special star
gave out a bright light

A child was born
to bring us salvation
Not just for a few,
to each and every nation

Soon many a driver
broke out in applause
Remembering the season
wasn’t about Santa Claus 

It wasn’t about
All the gifts they could buy 
Or the food they had 
when friends would drop by

It wasn’t about getting
the latest and best toy
Or something special
to wear and enjoy

It wouldn’t be found
in any mall or store
Still it was something
that all should ask for

The season of Christmas 
is all about giving
From the God in heaven
to all of us living

He sent his son to live
and die on this earth
To let us know
Our souls have true worth

When you sing the words
of “Silent Night 
 Think of something special, 
to give Him delight

It’s not a shiny present 
found under a tree
Sing "Happy Birthday, Jesus!
I give my heart to thee"

Copyright Christmas 2013 - Christine Henderson

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