More on writing to get published...
I currently have over 70 magazine sources in my writer's guidelines files for submissions. To date, I have only sent out 10 articles; so there are many more for me to mine and hone my skills. For the ones I have sent out articles, I have done as Nancy suggested. I have read past issues of the publications to see where my story might be a fit.
Actually, in being honest I have only done this with eight of the publications. For the other two magazines, I only read what I could glean from their website and their sample articles. Those publications were not available in my local library or bookstore. I just had a gut feeling from those readings that the article would be a fit. As yet I have not received a response from them.
I did just discover that I did not make the top ten short list for a travel article contest. The contest was to highlight a travel moment that really stuck a chord in your life. I wrote about my first scuba dive in Tahiti. While it may have been unique, my scuba story got beat out by one of a dive in the Galapagos Islands looking for a rare species. I can see why my story was trumped - just not unique and arm chair vicarious living enough.
My story wasn't a fit for that travel publication, but I have hopes that it could be for another. My travel magazine writer's guidelines list is small. I will need to find more sources to submit for this and other travel stories I would like to write. I have been an avid traveler for about 10 years and I would love to share what I discovered with others.
I too am reading Nancy Sanders book and I like many of the ideas although I can't say that I am the best at putting them into practice yet. It is a process. Nice blog with good tips.