I became a full-time writer, I worked for eleven years for four companies as a
children’s book editor. While on the job, I wrote mysteries in the Trixie
Belden series, a Little Golden Book, a collection of Christmas carols, and a
24-book concept series. My very first published book was THE BUGS BUNNY
BOOK (fiction), an auspicious debut to be sure.
You say you
wrote for the Trixie Belden series. I see this was a series which was written
by Julie Campbell Tatham. How do you pick up and write someone else's
Julie wrote the first 6 books, but after that they were written by
freelancers under the house pseudonym
Kathryn Kenny. As editor on the series, I revised many of the manuscripts
extensively, & wrote my own - Trixie Belden and the
Hudson River Mystery.
During those11 years as an editor, you also said you wrote a 24-book concept series. Did you edit those books yourself?
I never thought of it that way, but yes I did edit myself. This was the "Beginning to Learn About" Series with
Richard L. Allington. They covered the topics of colors, shapes, numbers,
hearing etc.
always been an avid reader. Is there any book you’ve ever read that you wished you had written? If
so, what book was that?
Potter, naturally, and many many others.
I think being an avid reader has always inspired me--striving to be in
the company of all the great writers out there.
of your books tend to be non-fiction based. How did you get your start in
writing non-fiction books? Did you start with a packager?
mind does gravitate toward organizing large amounts of interesting information
into the form of a story. Have never worked with a packager, but my first
success, LIVES OF THE MUSICIANS, was pitched as a joint endeavor with the
artist, the amazing Kathryn Hewitt. I minored in music in college, it’s one of
my passions, and when I looked at the musical biographies that were out then, I
wanted to do something fresh and more relevant to contemporary kids. Its success has led to seven more LIVES OF
books, and inspired many of my other books as well.
How do
you decide on the facet of the person’s life that you want to cover? How do you
go about doing your research?
I think of myself as a large (5 foot, 2 inch) flashlight,
illuminating any avenue of information I can find. Most often, that road takes
me to the library, of which I am a heavy user. For real research, detailed
information that’s been digested by scholars and carefully edited—you need
books. The Internet—not so much. I also have learned not to pay too much
attention to diaries and autobiographies, because many people tend to, um, lie
about their lives for various reasons.
Instead, I seek what the best scholars have done with this
material. I see my role as taking the valuable work of scholars and distilling
it into a form that I hope will make children love, or at least like, history. I take a mountain of notes on what is most interesting, and then
revise, tinker, revise, edit, whittle, and then revise some more. If there is a
key to what I do, it’s that I don’t use most of my information. As Voltaire
said, “The best way to be boring is to leave nothing out.” I list my sources and suggested reading at the end, as I think
one of the goals of a biography is to direct readers outward to learn more.
you ever find something that surprised you in doing research on a topic or
My research constantly jolts me, for better or for
worse—one of the perks of the job.
Is there anyone in particular that you would like to write a book about
that you have not yet done?
have lots of people I want to write about-- especially women, because I think
they’re still underrepresented in the historical record. Maybe Lady Gaga????
husband is an illustrator, but sometimes your writing credits show him as a
co-author? How do you decide who does what?
the books co-written with Paul Brewer-- FARTISTE, LINCOLN TELLS A JOKE, and new
THE BEATLES WERE FAB-- he has generally come up with the idea and done the bulk
of the research. We do the writing together, passing the manuscript back and
forth many times until neither one of us has a quibble.
How do you handle it when he is
your illustrator?
With the books he illustrates, I never tell
him what to illustrate; I’m available for consultation in my office next to
his, but even then I find that he and other artists that have illustrated my
books come up with ideas a million times better than mine.
Does writing a story come easier now that
you’ve written so many books?
WISH it came easier, but it really doesn’t--I still go through just as many
revisions as I did in the beginning. I do have more confidence that I will
eventually have something publishable, while in the beginning I was more in the
Is there one book
you’ve enjoyed writing than any others?
I enjoy writing all my books--I
pick topics I’m passionate about--and how long they take varies wildly, from a
few weeks to several years.
is your favorite part of the writing process?
like all parts of the writing process, but my very favorite is getting what
seems like a good idea. Pure exhilaration.
What’s one of the best pieces of
writing advice you’ve ever been given?
As for advice, I believe this comes from Hemingway, who said he stopped
writing for the day when the writing was going well, not when he was
blocked. He said this makes it easier to
get back on the saddle the next day, and I’ve found this to be true.
those who want to learn more about Kathleen's work, you can visit her author page
f you would like to have her visit your school to talk about writing, nonfiction or biographies, you can reach her by email
To see all her "LIVES" series of books, each accompanied by its own downloadable Activity & Discussion Guide, click here
Thanks much, Chris, for the thoughtful questions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your thoughts. It's wonderful to know you enjoy what you are doing so much.
ReplyDeleteJust found this interview on Kathleen. Thanks, Chris, for highlighting her work! I'm trying to write a pb biography and was looking at her work.