When did you publish your first book?
What do you think you learned from writing your
first novel that helped you in the second one?
The first book I actually completed has never sold,
but I just started writing and let the story tell itself. From that I learned
that even though I'll never be a detailed plotter, it does make it easier to
keep the story on track if I have at least a destination in mind before I set
out on the journey.
After your first novel was published, did you think you could make a career
at it?
I hoped I could, but I got off to a slow start. I
didn't have another new sale until 1999, which came out in 2000. I've had books
out every year since then.Your writing includes different facets of the romance genre. Do you prefer one genre to write in more than another?
All writers have favorite themes underlying the stories they tell. It's those themes that are the common thread that run through all of my books regardless of the world they take place in. I love the world building that goes into creating a fantasy world or a town in the late 1800s. I've also enjoyed telling stories set in the 1870s, but also in modern day Seattle. I have to admit that I've loved building Snowberry Creek, the fictional town in my new series, from the ground up.
I think trying different genres helps to stretch my "creative muscles," which definitely helps to keep my writing fresh. I loved the challenge of creating a fantasy world for the Warriors of the Mist and building a small town like Snowberry Creek. It keeps me looking forward to sitting down at the computer to see what comes next.
How long does it take for you to write a book now?
It usually takes me three to four months to write a
book and polish it up to send off to my editor. I average about 30 pages a week, but I have to
build in extra time to do edits on books that are already in production and to
do other things like promotion, etc.
How many rewrites do you do?
I always edit the previous day's work before I
start writing new pages, so I do a lot as I do the first draft of the book.
Then about 2/3 of the way through the book, I usually stop and go back to the
beginning to do a fresh read to make sure I haven't dropped any threads along
the way. After I do reach the end, I do at least one more read through and polish
before I send it my editor. Once I have her feedback, I do the revisions she
has suggested.
When you do research for your books do you ever
actually visit the locations or is the research mostly internet or book
It makes it easier to get the details right if I
use locations that I'm familiar with for the settings in my books. I grew up in
Missouri and have lived in the Pacific Northwest for a long time, so I've used
those most often. I have used other areas that I've visited for the same
reason. I have been to places that inspired settings in my books. For example,
I visited one of the caves in Missouri. That gave me the idea for using one as
the headquarters for my Paladins in that area.
Have you ever gone somewhere and thought this would
be a great location to use as a backdrop to a story?
When I was starting to work on my Snowberry Creek
series, my husband and I spent a day driving around in the area near Mount
Rainier where I wanted to "park" my town. We took lots of pictures of
the mountains, the foothills, and the surrounding landscape. It's a beautiful
region just south and a bit east of the Seattle-Tacoma area.
Do you do the research or do you have an assistant?
I do my own research and use a mix of the internet
and books. I tend to use the internet for quick answers (like when blown glass
was developed), but books when I need more in depth information.
I would hope that there will always be print books
because I still love being surrounded by my favorites in my office. I do think
that digital editions will continue to grow in number, and I love the
convenience of my e-reader, especially when I travel. I think the digital
market has opened up so many new venues for stories to be published, especially
cross-genre stories that might have had a harder time finding a home with a
more traditional publisher.
I've written all of my historicals under my real
name Pat Pritchard. When I decided to do a major shift in directions to write
paranormal romances, it seemed a good idea to take a new pen name to keep the
different genres separate.
How do you write? Did you do an outline first? Did
you do individual character development before doing the full plot?
I almost always see the characters first and then
the plot. I pick names, look for pictures to represent the characters, and then
write a brief description of their emotional theme. After I've gotten to know
the hero and heroine, I write a synopsis of the story, usually about eight
double-spaced pages.
How much does social media play in your promotion
of your books? What suggestions do you have for enhancing a writer’s social
media platform?
I'm active on both Twitter and Facebook. I think
it's important to be accessible to my fans, and I love the conversations we
have on a variety of topics. Sometimes we talk about favorite sports teams,
books, tv shows, and movies. On occasion, I ask my readers for their input on
something I working on in a book, such as what kind of coffee would a man order
(I drink tea) or a name for a character.
Does your editor or publisher ever suggest you
slant your books a certain way?
I've had my editor ask me to strengthen certain
aspects of the story. For example, in my Snowberry Creek books, she pointed out
that the characters were saying things to Mooch the dog that maybe they should
be saying to each other.
Since you've now proven yourself as a bankable
writer, have any of your books been rejected by a publisher?
Yes, but not often. Rejection is part of the
business. Sometimes it's a matter of them preferring one storyline over
another. Or a couple of times, I've had them ask for a different story in a
series than the one I was planning to do next.
I think that learning to be disciplined and
consistent about your writing is incredibly important. That's the only way the
book ever gets written. And if you do sell to a publisher, you have to know how
long it will take you to write the book so you can give your editor a realistic
idea of when you can finish it.
Are there any other points about writing that you
would like to add?
Writing is by necessity a pretty solitary
occupation. However, I think one of the best things you can do for yourself is
to surround yourself with people who will applaud your victories and offer tea
and sympathy when things aren't going right.
Hi, Christine! I wanted to thank you for having me visit your blog today!