You are certainly a prolific writer now, but when did you
publish your first book? How long did it take before you thought you could make
a career at it?
I published my first book in 1993, I think. The same day I
got a job at a publishing house, they also gave me a contract on my novel. The
novel came out and did crazy-well, much to the surprise of all, including me.
:-) It wasn’t until I was about 7-8 books in that I started thinking about
making a career out of it. But I kept my day job until about 2000, and even
after that, have always had part-time jobs to help bring in the moola. Writing
is a feast or famine business, which makes it hard to manage a budget and a
Your writing includes different genres from Children’s stories, Adult Fiction, YA and New Adult. Do you prefer one genre to write in more than another?
I like the freedom to write whatever God lays on my heart.
Sometimes that’s a little picture book, sometimes that’s epic suspense. I’m
blessed to be able to follow those leads and find companies to publish them.
That said, it makes it really hard for a pub to develop an audience for me,
when I’m also switching gears. So if you’re passionate about one direction, and
can stay passionate, stay there. That’s the best way to become an A-list
author.Your writing includes different genres from Children’s stories, Adult Fiction, YA and New Adult. Do you prefer one genre to write in more than another?

I think it’s rooted in that freedom. For me, it’s all about
the new idea, the new challenge. There was a period of time that I was burned
out and I didn’t write anything for three years. I was nearing that place again
and really pulled back on the schedule, resisting the urge to sell another
proposal, another story, until the passion kindled again.
When you do research for your books do you ever actually
visit them or is the research mostly internet or book researched?
The internet is great to cover a lot of bases, but actually
being there makes a huge difference. I didnt go “on location” until I’d written
six books, and then I caught the bug. I’ve been to Italy five times, England
and France, all on account of research. Can’t wait to go to the next place!
Do you do the research or do you have an assistant?
Nah. It’s all me. I LOVE the research. The story lines start
to percolate as I read. It’s awesome. But then, I’m a learner, so that fuels my

Everywhere I go.
Do you think there will always be print books? How do you feel the digital market has changed the publishing industry for the better or worse?
Do you think there will always be print books? How do you feel the digital market has changed the publishing industry for the better or worse?
I think there will always be print. I’m a fan of digital—and
audio! I’ve become a huge audio fan. But digital is allowing authors who
couldn’t get a break to try their hand at publishing for the first time, and I
think that’s awesome. I consider myself a hybrid author—publishing
traditionally but doing some self-publishing too.
The only challenge is when authors don’t get a professional
edit and decent cover on their books. Then they’re just muddying the waters for
readers. If you’re going to self-publish, if you’re that passionate about your
book, then go all the way. Invest the money it takes for a pro edit
($2000-3500)—even if it takes a year to save that money to invest—from an
editor who has worked for a publisher and can reference work in your genre; get
a pro cover (decent covers from $99-300); send your typeset book to 30
detail-oriented readers to proof, if you can’t afford a pro proofer.
Take the time to do it right…don’t rush. I see a lot of
talented authors out there shooting themselves in the foot by rushing work that
takes time to do right. If they’d take the time, make the investment, they’d
get far better reviews and start to build the audience they hope for.
Books that are Christian themed are growing in demand. Why do you think that is
occurring? I think in all times and places, people long for a dose of
hope. That goes for people outside the faith too. I hope my stories appeal to
all, for this reason. There’s always hope.
Is there a book you’ve written that you believed in, but couldn’t find an editor
to feel the same?
Hmm, I really wanted to write a story on the artist Bernini.
But I wanted it to be an ABA release and no one bit at the proposal. So I just
moved on to other things, thinking I might return to it later. Maybe it will be
a future self-pub!
How do you write? Outline first? Character Development?
How do you write? Outline first? Character Development?
An overview. Sometimes an outline. Sometimes character
work-ups. But most of the time, I just write by the seat of my pants, and
discover characters and nuances of the plot as I go along.
What is some of the best writing advice that you’ve received or could give?
Read like crazy. Go back and re-read your favorite books in
your genre, dissecting each chapter, figuring out what the author did in each segment
that made that book sing for you. Then do something similar. In copying style,
pacing and character development, you’ll get the bones down in your first
draft. Then you can make modifications to make it truly your own.
If you would like to learn more about Lisa and her writing, you can do so by going to her website at lisatawnbergren.com
If you would like to learn more about Lisa and her writing, you can do so by going to her website at lisatawnbergren.com
I love the cover for Glittering Promises! And that's great advice on self-publishing. I admit I'm a bit of a cover snob(can't help it- they're like little pieces of artwork you get to hold) and when I see a poorly done self-pubbed cover I automatically think 'nah'. Great interview, ladies!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Leandra. Covers are an initial selling point for a book, so it is important for it to have impact..