After I began writing
The Gift, I realized fairly quickly that in order to tell the story I wanted to
share effectively, it was going to take more than one book. So I then planned
to write a trilogy but hadn’t considered going beyond three books or even what
the series should be called. It wasn’t until I was finishing the second book,
The Purpose, and realized I would probably need to write four or five books to
tell the complete story, that my eldest son suggested I form a book series and
create a series title for them all. Thus the Chronicles of Malachai was born.
Was The Gift your first novel? Or did you stop and start on others?
Was The Gift your first novel? Or did you stop and start on others?
Yes it was my first,
however, I have thought about it and made notes for writing it for years, while
at the same time making notes on several other books I would also like to write
some day; even some children’s stories.
What prompted the idea
for this book?
I have personally experienced
many unusual spiritual events, including encounters with angels and demons, and
I have often had the opportunity to talk with other people from all walks of
life about their own spiritual experiences as well. From a young age I have
attended various churches and found the subject of angels, demons and the
supernatural to often be a taboo subject to discuss, even being personally
asked to not ask questions about it by teachers, elders and pastors. As a
result I quit talking about my experiences and quietly searched for the answers
on my own. Along my journey God revealed many answers to me, as well as, brought many different people across my path that were experiencing similar things and had the same types of questions; while feeling just as alone as I did. The more knowledge I gained to deal with my experiences and the more I realized God was using me to help other people, the more confident I became to share what God was teaching me and that there is nothing wrong with them either but in fact God has given them their own gifts to be used to help other people too.
After many years of
sharing about the subject of spiritual warfare and teaching the value of
spiritual discernment within churches and with the various people who crossed
my path, God laid it heavy on my heart that it was time to reach a larger
audience that I wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to speak with, encourage
or help to understand what they were seeing, feeling and experiencing. Therefore, He put the desire within me to
finally write about it through The Chronicles of Malachai.
How long did it take
you to write this first book in the series?
I spent about six
months overall to write and then edit & condense The Gift
Did it change much from
what you first envisioned it would be?
Yes, it definitely
changed a lot. The first draft was double the size with much more detail and
many extra stories. But as I began to narrow the story down, the focus became
more on the main character of Malachai and his own personal experiences with
the angels and demons, as well as his own revelations of God and God’s purpose
for his life. I found the end result to be much more personal than the original
broader message I was planning to write.
How many rewrites did you do on it?
To cut it down and fine tune the story line I probably did
four complete edits before going to print.
What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?
I hope that those who
read my books gain a stronger sense of the deeper purposes of God. So many view
God to be distant, scary, un-touchable or at times even like a genie in a lamp,
that they don’t take the time to truly get to know His heart. My hope from
those who read my books, whether they experience supernatural events or not, is
they will learn how much God loves them and wants to be actively involved in
their lives. What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?
Each person has a gift from God to use to make the world around them a better place, but only when we let God teach us how to use the gift the way it was meant to be used, will we understand how valuable we are to his greater purpose overall. I also hope that those who feel lost, confused and alone because of the spiritual things they experience, will find some hope that there are others like them who have found a way to fight the darkness and learned why God gave them their gifts in the first place. If they will trust Him they will realize they are never truly alone.
Did you write this book
for the Christian market or more of an evangelistic outreach?
Originally I wrote The
Gift to lean more towards the Christian market with the hope of having an
evangelistic outreach to it; partially because of my own work within churches
and my concern of offending those I know and work with. However, while
re-writing the final drafts of The Gift, I realized God was putting a greater
message on my heart that needed to be shared with others. Since the majority
of my personal ministry has always been a more evangelistic outreach, I needed
to write the series for a greater audience and let God touch the hearts of
those who read it accordingly.
Have you received push
back from readers that your book is too preachy?
Surprisingly I haven’t
as of yet. I have actually had readers from many differing religious
backgrounds comment back that they can relate to Malachai or one of his friends
spiritual experiences and found my portrayal of God to be more in line with
what they believe, or would consider God to be like if they did believe in him
as I do.
How do you write? Did you do an outline first?
Did you do individual character development before doing the full plot?
I find I tend to spend
a lot of time thinking about the overall point of my books and then just start
writing. I do make a very simple outline of main ideas I really would like to
add and what characters would help strengthen the story, but the rest basically
develops as I write the story itself. I must add that I do also spend a lot of
time praying for God’s guidance with the story as well.
What do you think you
learned from writing your first novel that helped you in the second one?
One of the biggest
lessons was I learned writing The Gift, was that trying to be very descriptive
and sharing every detail doesn’t necessarily make for a good story, just a long
one. I was definitely a lot more focussed on the main story line while writing
the second book and only included details that helped create a deeper
experience for the reader to get into the story itself.
Your book is self-published, what made you chose
this route? Did you first try to go the traditional route?
I did consider going
the traditional route for publishing and had talked to others who had, but
because this was more about fulfilling my own dream of finally writing a novel
and not about becoming rich & famous, my family encouraged me to go the
route of self-publishing so I could accomplish my dream.
One of the added
benefits of choosing to self-publish as well, was my entire family had the
opportunity to help with the final creation of both books. My two sons, Josiah
and Samuel, photographed and designed the cover pictures and author profile
pictures for both books. My wife Daphne helped edit and proof-read both books.
Plus, my mother Lorraine and son Josiah also helped with proof-reading. So the
whole process has been quite a family production and has made it much more
fulfilling over-all.
Since there are so many
publishing choices out there for self-publishing, what made you chose Friesen
Being new to the whole
author experience I did research many different companies and contacted
several. Each had their own pricing and package deals and each lowered their
price and offered better deals as time went on. When I was close to finishing
my original manuscript, I had narrowed my choice down to two, and chose Friesen
Press in the end because they offered options that fit better with my direct
needs; allowed greater control for me as the author over the final product;
were a little lower in price; and closer to home for gaining support.
However with my second
book, even though I had already signed up to publish The Purpose through
Friesen Press, I had connected online with several others groups of authors who
then told me about Createspace through Amazon which offered a better online presence,
similar publishing packages, and more affordable book printing. So, I decided
to print The Purpose through them and will continue the rest of the series with
Createspace as well.
How much does social media play in your
promotion of your books?
Because I own a
business and live in a small town in BC, Canada, I don’t have a lot of
opportunities to go on big book tours or spend lots of newspaper ads, etc., so
most of my promotion is done through social media. I originally started with a
Facebook page but found it was more limited to my friends and family, and
trying to branch out to other groups ends up spamming a lot of my
friends/family who didn’t appreciate it much.
I joined up with Google Plus,
Goodreads and Twitter on the advice of others, and have found them to be much
more effective for promoting my books. I do have a blog as well, but find it
takes a lot of time when trying to keep up with some of the other social media
sites as well. I definitely have a lot to learn still with using social media
for promotions, but have learned to balance my time with using them so I still
have some time to do what I love and that is writing my books.
What suggestions do you
have for enhancing a writer’s social media platform?
Definitely joining sites like Goodreads,
Amazon and Google Plus. Google Plus has a lot of groups you can be a part of
that match your writing style, interests and target audience. Taking the time
to connect with these groups and sharing your work through them definitely
helps spread the word.What type of publicity do you do to promote your book?
Mostly internet through
Goodreads giveaways, Amazon and Google Plus Communities; but I also rely
heavily on word of mouth and have promoted through write-ups in the local
What has worked best
for you in generating sales?
Overall, my sales have
increased much better by getting on Amazon and their Kindle edition. Also, by
offering promotions through the Goodreads giveaways, I can refer people to
Amazon and have increase sales as well.
What do you know now about writing/publishing
now that you wished you had known sooner?
There are many free resources and groups
on the internet that can help you accomplish your dream. It doesn’t have to
cost a small fortune either. I was very hesitant on going with self-publishing
as well because I thought it would mean I wasn’t a true author because I didn’t
publish the traditional way. However, I’ve learned that to be an author you simply
need to accomplish your completed work, and whether or not others like or even
buy it, you have completed a great task by putting your thoughts and ideas into
a collective place and created your own distinct addition to the world of
What is the best advice you’ve been given about
writing or that you’ve learned that you would like to pass along?
The story you write will not be for
everyone, so don’t expect everyone to like it or read it. Whether a person
offers criticism or praise listen and learn from what they say, try not to take
it personally but instead remember, they took the time to read your book over
thousands of other choices available to them. Therefore, write something you
can be proud of and passionate about, then those who do pick up your book will
feel your passion and know it is more than words, it is a piece of your heart
written for the world to see.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Whether it takes a
month or forty years to write your book, if you believe you are meant to write,
then you need to fulfill your dream and write. However long it takes and
whatever hurdles you have to overcome to make it happen will be worth it when
you hold your story in your hands and know that dreams do truly come true.
If you would like to know more about Daniel's books, here are some options.
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