
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas in Texas: Author Interview with Jolene Navarro

How did you come up with the idea for your Christmas themed book?
I have to admit when I first proposed this story it was set in the spring. My editor came back and said they had an October opening and thought this might be a great Christmas story. With family traditions, finding a home and overcoming loss I agreed. As I dove into the rewrites I realized this story is so much deeper because of the Christmas theme I was able to work with. The holidays can be the toughest times of year when dealing with grief. All the traditions and memories come to the surface. On the other hand I had a single mother that never had a true Christmas so bringing them together, well it was wonderful for me to watch the love develop.

Give me a short synopsis on the story for my readers?
Homeless, single mother Karly Kalakona has a new job on the Childress ranch. It is the perfect Christmas gift she and her son needed for their future. The single mom just never counted on dealing with not only a stubborn patient, but also his prodigal son.

Pilot Tyler Childress, has spent his adulthood exploring the world, avoiding the grief and regret he left on his family Texas ranch. He returns home due to his father’s illness. The chemistry he shares with his father’s nurse is undeniable – and has him thinking of sticking around past the holiday season. Can Tyler’s need for wings and her desire for roots make a perfect home full of love in time for Christmas?

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?
I love Christmas, from decorating the tree to gathering with my mom’s family on Christmas Eve and eating tamales. It’s all the little things like spending time with family, drinking hot chocolate, baking cookies and singing songs. I love Christmas music. I have a large collection of Nativity scenes that I set out each year.

What’s next? (future books, novellas, special appearances you want to mention)
I’m about to turn in book four in Clear Water Texas. A marine that is now a Texas State Trooper finds out his ex-wife had his son and never told him. Overnight he becomes a father to a four year old son and that son’s nine month old sister. It is Garrett Kincaid and Anjelica Ortega’s story. I should be getting a title soon. It will be out in September.

Any special awards or achievements you’d like to mention?
A Texas Christmas Wish was on the Publisher Weekly top 25 for two weeks. It was very exciting to see my book up there with Nora Roberts.

What’s the best writing tip you’ve learned or been given that you’d like to share?
To keep writing. To sit in the chair and write and once you finish your story don’t be afraid of digging deep and revising. Then move on to another story. Write, rewrite, finish and start over.

What do you know now about writing and publishing you wish you had learned sooner?
To sell or market your story well - you need to know your hooks. What will make an editor or reader know pick up your story over all the other books out there?

Any last words or tips?
Don’t forget to keep reading the best in the field. Once you start writing, finding reading time can be difficult. But like any field you have to keep an eye on what is going on with the ones that are most successful. But don’t confuse that with following trends.

If you'd like to learn more about Jolene and her writing, here's some options to do that.

Amazon page:

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