
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas, A Time of Giving: Author Interview with Suzanne G. Rogers

How did you come up with the idea of your Christmas themed book?
A Gift for Lara was actually inspired by the Parable of the Sower, especially as it applies to charitable works. 
Could you give me a short synopsis on the story for my readers?
At the tender age of fourteen, Miles and Lara discovered a soul mate in one another. Too shy to express their sentiments in person, each wrote a love letter. Unbeknownst to them, their letters went astray, and they parted company under the impression their affections were unrequited. At Christmastime four years later, they meet again, but their relationship is strained. After they have an argument about the futility of charitable works, Lara falls ill. Miles decides to step into her shoes to help a local family, as a sort of Christmas gift to her. In the end, Lara and Miles discover the true meaning of Christmas.

What made you decide to do a Christmas themed book?
Certain sermons in church have resonated with me, and I often look for ways to incorporate inspirational moments into my work. Although I don’t consider myself a Christian author in terms of quoting actual scripture in my stories, a great many of my themes have been inspired by my Christian faith.

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?
Decorating the house and a Christmas tree are always an annual tradition. I like preparing a special Christmas dinner my family can all share. We also open our Christmas gifts together, which is a time I especially treasure.

What’s next? 
I’m always working on my next book! I spend most of my time writing sweet Victorian romance, but occasionally I’ll return to my fantasy roots. My latest Victorian romance is The Mannequin, and my latest fantasy release is a Norse mythology adventure entitled Dani & the Immortals.
Any special awards or achievements you’d like to mention?
Many of my Victorian romances have spent considerable time on Amazon bestseller lists this year, and I couldn’t be more delighted. Nothing could be more satisfying than knowing my work is being read. 
What’s the best writing tip you’ve learned or been given that you’d like to share?
Learn to take constructive criticism to heart, and always be willing to improve your writing skills. That being said, develop a thick skin when insulting reviews come in. Not every book appeals to everyone.
What do you know now about writing and publishing you wish you had learned sooner?
 It really does take time to develop a writing career, and to discover what works. Patience, in this regard, can be a virtue, especially if you’re working as hard as you can.

Any last words or tips?
The art of writing and the art of selling books are two different animals. To be financially successful, you must work at both.
Thanks all for this interview. Here's the way to find out more about her books and her writing

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