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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Celebrating Christmas Books Featuring Patrick Higgins

Today's featured author is one of my favorites. I hope he'll become your favorite as well. Read on to learn more about his writing.

How did you come up with the idea for your Christmas book? Could you give a short synopsis on the book for my readers?
I was reading the Book of Hebrews one day. When I got to chapter 13, verse 2, which states, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it,” a seed was planted in my mind that day which eventually led to the story, The Unannounced Christmas Visitor.

While it wasn’t my first time reading that verse—I’ve read it many times—my mind became alive with activity that day, as I started thinking about plots and storylines. It’s amazing how God works! Even though I didn’t know the title of the book, it didn’t stop my imagination from running wild with numerous thoughts.

The story takes place in a homeless setting, of all places, where broken souls are radically changed by a man named Enoch, who just happens to be an exact representation of that scripture. Sent to Planet Earth by his Maker, disguised as a homeless person, Enoch was on a mission: to rescue a man whose life was slowly but steadily spiraling out of control.

In the brief time he spent at the city park, his impact was felt by all who were exposed to his preaching, in that they felt closer to Jesus in this city park church without walls, than they ever did at the “walled” churches they occasionally attended in the past. In that light, it wasn’t just one man whose life Enoch was there to transform, it was many…

I rejoice in saying this story won both the 2016 International Publishers Awards (IPA) and the 2018 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Awards in Christian fiction. It just came out in audiobook on 09-27-21.

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?
I love going to Christmas Eve candlelight service, then gathering with family and friends for food and fellowship. But what could be better than seeing the joyful expressions on the faces of little ones as they open gifts on Christmas morning, to include those living halfway around the world in the Philippines who call me, “Uncle”. It never grows old!

My newest tradition, which started approximately 12 years ago, is that I randomly find myself listening to Christmas music all throughout the year, especially when I am writing Christmas and/or winter scenes into my stories.

This wasn’t always the case. In the past, once the Christmas decorations were put away, I wanted nothing to do with anything “Christmas” until the following Thanksgiving at the earliest. Now I can listen to Christmas music pretty much anytime and anywhere. Go figure…

What’s next in writing for you? 
Once I finish writing the “Chaos in the Blink of an Eye” series, I hope to take a short break and do some traveling, to recharge my batteries, as the saying goes. After that, Lord willing, I will write my first non-fiction Christian book, which will be semi-autobiographical.

By no means does this suggest in any way that my days of writing fiction will be over. In fact, I have already started working on a few more stories which, Lord willing, will come to fruition in God’s perfect timing.

What do you know now about writing and publishing you wish you had learned sooner?
While the writing process hasn’t changed for me over the years—I still sit at my desk each day pecking away at the keys on my laptop—it’s remarkable just how much the publishing industry has evolved in this technology-driven society in which we live.

In the past, once a book was written, a rather sizable amount of time and financial investment were needed before books could be published in paperback format. But in today’s print-on-demand publishing world, you can have a paperback copy in your hands just days after the book was finished. A few decades ago, this was unthinkable. The money I would have saved!

Any last words or tips?

Since this interview is centered on The Unannounced Christmas Visitor, let me encourage you all with Enoch’s last words to his fellow homeless brethren, before he left them to rejoin his Maker. Said he, “Cherish this brief but blessed opportunity that Yahweh God has chosen for you to be alive at this precise moment in history…”

As we approach the holiday season, even despite the chaotic times we presently find ourselves living in, I offer that same encouragement to all who read this. Advance Merry Christmas, everyone. God’s grace and peace be multiplied to you all.

Thank you, Christine, for the privilege of allowing me to be interviewed by you again, and for the kind and encouraging reviews you have posted on Amazon for my books. I appreciate it more than you know!

That's all for today's interview. I hope it has encouraged you to read Patrick's books. 
He's currently in the midst of publishing a 12 book series - Chaos in the Blink of an Eye - and so far 6 of those books have been published. The 7th one will be released next month. They're not Christmas related, but they are prophetic in their biblical basis. These are well-written, thought provoking books and I look forward to reading each one. 

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