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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Creating a Meaningful Story: Author Interview with Silvia Tabor

What made you decide to start writing picture books? 

My greatest inspiration was my daughter and her curiosity. But also, the circumstances - COVID. I wanted to try something new and that was just the right opportunity to start this new adventure.

How long does it take for you to complete a book?
That's different for each book. I write picture books for children so my timing is set by the illustrations. One illustrator can take 1-3 months, another can take 3-6 months.  I prefer  watercolor illustrations so sometimes these take longer. 

For my first book,  it took about 2 months, but I got the chance to work with an experienced illustrator who worked pretty fast. For my current book,  it’s more than one year. Mostly because my illustrator works on different projects and for a while I took a break. 

Did you personally design the full book, or did you have assistance? 

All my books are indie-published.  I hired professionals to get started. I plan to learn as much of the process as possible. For now, I'll hire others who know well their job because I want good quality books. 

Did you provide both the English and Spanish translations for the books? 
For the books I've published in other languages, I first translated them, and they were published later. I have two of my books translated into both Spanish and French. Mynewest book will be published in three languages at the same time.

What was the hardest part of putting together your books?
Working with an illustrator is very interesting and fulfilling but not easy. There are many great illustrators, but it is really important to work with someone  who is not only good, but who’s personality fits  the author’s personality.

What’s the best encouragement you’ve had from readers?

I believe my books have important educational content so when I get a review from teachers or parents that the book was helpful, this makes me happy.  I've had people buy a large number of books, often in two different languages. Most likely this means it was a school purchase. I'm happy to know teachers found my books good enough to use in the class.

Marketing is the biggest key to getting sales. What is the best marketing source you've used that has produced more sales rather than just clicks?
I am still learning. I've tried different marketing strategies to see what works best for me. I always say that you need 1% talent to write a book and 90% talent to sell it.

What do you know now about publishing you wished you had known sooner?
I wish I had a better understanding of the difference between traditional/hybrid/vanity publishers. There are many other things that I learned along the way, and of course I wished I had known them before, but it’s process, it’s normal to make mistakes. 

What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?

Don’t start this adventure with the idea of becoming rich from selling your books. You most likely will be disappointed. Invest an amount that you are comfortable losing and can afford not to recoup. That doesn’t mean you can’t make money from your books, but you need to understand that selling books is a profession that takes a lot of work. Writing books is a creative process. This has to come from the heart, of desiring to leave something beautiful for this world. Material gain has to be secondary.
What is the next book coming out? Can you give me some details? 
My newest book,Charlotte-Marella and the Sea, was released in September. The book is about a girl who is a sea lover at heart, she sails her boat to enchanting places, with Little Coral Island being her favorite—an oasis for her beloved friends, the wise turtle she saves, a chameleon, a parrot, and a toucan. Alongside her loyal friends, she orchestrates a plan to teach some irresponsible boys a lesson—cleaning up their mess and respecting the island's inhabitants. 
This tale underscores the significance of responsibility, respect, and nurturing relationships. 

That's all for today's interview. To learn more about Silvia's 
books, including a Christmas book, check out her Amazon author page: 

And here's a bonus for my readers, leave a comment on this post and we'll pick one reader who'll receive a copy of one of  Silvia's eBooks. So do that now. It can be as simple as I want to be in the giveaway. We'll chose a winner next Tuesday!


  1. This book fascinates me. Unfortunately, I do not have any little ones in my life. I would always buy a book at Christmas for my family ,but now My youngest granddaughter is 15.oh , to have little ones again.

  2. I'm buying Silvia's books for my clients children.
