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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Looking Back and Looking Forward With Writing and Publishing

Looking Back, last year was a productive year for my writing. My devotional articles were published in five magazines; in a Christmas devotional book with other authors, included in a Sweet Romance box set with 11 other authors, published a standalone sweet romance, and one children's picture book based on Psalm 139. As with most authors, my main complaint is wishing the results were more sales. But that's a continuing learning process as all writers know.

Now it’s time to look forward to what I hope to accomplish in 2025. First off, my goals have to be realistic and something I can stick with -- unlike New Year's resolutions to lose weight or exercise more that disappear within the first 30 days. January is a hard start for me in those areas because I have a birthday this month and like to celebrate for several days.

So here are my tips for achieving success and maintaining productivity in writing. I hope that they will help you as well.

Creating Effective Writing Goals

Be Specific:
Don’t say, “I want to write more,” set a target like, “I will write 2,000 words weekly.” Then determine how you can achieve that goal on a daily basis. Some days the writing will flow like a gusher. Other times the words will fall on a page like intermittent droplets of water. Don't beat yourself up. Just keep working at it.

A first draft is not a finished product: When you're starting a new story don't try to make it perfect with each paragraph. Instead let the story flow and only go back to it once you’ve finished the chapter, but only go back if you want to add a scene to that chapter. Do not rewrite it! That's for when the book is complete.

Keep a notebook handy to jot down ideas: When you're out and about and not writing, let your mind be attuned to conversations around you. They might just spur your brain into ways those conversation tidbits can be used in your story. Often times when I'm watching a movie or reading a book I get ideas for new ways for my characters to react to one another.

Keep the big goal in mind but focus on the interlocking parts:
Completing a book is a large goal and may be overwhelming. Focus on completing chapters instead. That way the project will provide a sense of accomplishment as you complete each smaller task. Think of it like sewing a dress or building a table. It takes several steps before the project becomes the right shape and design.

There will be bumps in the road: Life can be unpredictable, and writing can be affected by unexpected events. While it’s important to set goals, it’s equally important to stay flexible. If you miss a goal, reassess and adjust your plan without losing momentum. Watch one of those baking competitions on TV with people who bake for a living successfully. They sometimes come up short in their goals as well, but they keep trying.

Celebrate Mini-Successes:
Remember when you were a young child and your teacher would put a gold star on a chart for doing a good job? Do a chart for yourself to show what you've accomplished. Or give yourself a treat or a break to maintain enthusiasm.

Find a writing support group to keep you accountable to your goals:
Get involved with online or local writing communities and forums to network with other authors. They can be great sounding boards for when you have writers block, need help with a book blurb, or tips on adding more oomph to a scene.

And here's a special bonus for my readers...💝 Starting January 3-15, my Christmas boxset will be priced at only 99 cents!!! That includes 12 sweet romance novellas, by 12 authors (including me) Buy it now before it's gone and archived!

What are your writing goals for 2025? Got any suggestions on how to achieve them? I’d love to hear your ideas.

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