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Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Dog-Not-Gone Christmas: Author Interview with Ginny Sterling

What made you decide to write another Christmas novella? 
I have always adored the season and the magic that comes with it. When writing novellas for The Lawkeepers, I found a series that focuses on more than just the emotions of a romance book. The books center on the blessings that faith and love bring to a person. Being able to combine the two seemed like a perfect fit to celebrate Christmas, as the season is the epitome of eternal love.

Could you give me a short synopsis of the story for my readers? 
This story is about falling in love with the whole person and their soul, rather than merely the outer shell we inhabit during our lives. The story is about two people who find each other by chance and until then didn’t realize their lives lacked a missing element.

A lonely K-9 bomb soldier discovers a kindred soul halfway across the world who gives him hope when he’d felt he had none.  The relationship begins as pen-pals, grows into a friendship, and then develops into a deeper relationship.

In my books, I try to create an environment where you are drawn in and simply overwhelmed with emotion, whether its laughter/tears/happiness/or joy.

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? 
Oh goodness, I remember as a young girl climbing into the backseat of my parents Chevette (yep) and driving through the neighborhoods to see the glowing Christmas lights. We'd sing Christmas carols while I snuggled under a blanket in the back seat.

I brought my own children up the same way. Nowadays, we get hot chocolate from Starbucks (We are modern now! LOL!), then drive through the neighborhoods looking at the lights before Midnight Mass at our church. I still love singing Christmas carols and seeing the lights. Thankfully my husband doesn’t mind my warbling. 

What's next?
I will continue writing The Lawkeepers. In addition, I will be writing another Christian based series with Best Selling Author, Jenna Brandt. Our series is called Match Made in Heaven and the first book is called Perfectly Matched, a Christmas Novella. It’s a sweet tender story of redemption, finding yourself and falling in love with the right person- at the right time. 

in June 2019, I will be attending Wild Deadwood Reads. This event takes place in Deadwood, South Dakota and I am terribly excited. I’ve never been to South Dakota and the photos make it look like a historical trip through time to the Old West. This will be my first event and I would absolutely adore the chance to meet you all.

What’s the best writing tip you’ve learned or been given that you’d like to share? 
Get the story out of your head- plain and simple. That is the hardest part about writing- getting it out of your mind and being able to express it on paper. You picture a scene but being able to convey it is something else completely.

Don't get stuck on the small stuff. I remember googling ‘how to make lye soap’ for at least fifteen minutes before I realized that I could simply say my character made soap. That was it. I needed to get past the hiccups and the roadblocks I perceived were there. Getting the plot out of my head and finishing the story was key. The polishing, adding to, and edits can come later once it’s actually written.

What do you know now about writing and publishing you wish you had learned sooner?
It's not just being able to write that makes an author - it’s being able to market yourself and create the need for your book. Writing is about creating a world you love and then spending the rest of the time making sure others love it too.

That’s all for today’s interview. If you would like to buy any of Ginny’s books, here are some links to get you started. 

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