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Friday, September 29, 2023

Don't Force Your Writing: Author Interview with Anita Heath

What inspired you to write contemporary romance? 
love both historical and contemporary romance. Historical romance takes longer to create, so I really love being able to enjoy the ease of a contemporary setting.

For the most part it looks like those books are stand alone titles. Why did you go that route rather than writing in series?

As for writing standalones vs series, it really depends on the story. Some things beg for a sequel and some don't. Standalones are fun because there's no pressure to quickly put out the rest of the story. It allows me to breathe easier in between releases. But I'll happily write either.

You also co-write cozy mysteries with another author. How does that work?
The cozy mystery partnership is still fairly new. It's SO much fun since we're both passionate about mysteries. We share the workload, which is a blessing.

Our stories feature twin sisters, and both are main characters. Amanda, my co-author, writes for one twin while I write for the other. We alternate chapters ... which is pretty tricky business, writing an entire novel and sticking with the alternate chapter method. But we get to feed off of each other's energy just like our characters feed off of each other.

You're an indie author. Did you personally design the full book, or did you have assistance with formatting, cover design, marketing etc?

I primarily design the entire book. I design the majority of my ebook covers, but I have help with my paperback covers. And there are a few ebook covers that were designed for me. I love the creative control, but I could stand to give up a few of the chores, particularly in the formatting department. LOL

What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in your writing?
Hands down the heartfelt messages from my readers. Never underestimate the power of your words.

Over the years, I've had readers email to say that I encouraged them while facing the death of a loved one, helped them to see personal sin, or even healed their marriage. I've kept those words with me. I love to entertain, but I equally want to edify. Getting a glimpse of how I've done that has been so rewarding.

Marketing is the biggest key to making sales. What is the best marketing source you've used that has produced more sales rather than just clicks?
Great question! Marketing has not been my strong suit. I feel like I'm just now learning how to market. By far the best source that I've found was the Strategic Marketing course by Tara Grace Ericson. 

Most marketing advice I've heard so far has been a bunch of dos and don'ts. But Tara explained the different options and when each option could be a valid choice. She enabled me to understand what I most wanted out of my current marketing journey and how best I could get it. She literally helped me to think for myself. After completing her course, I was able to create a plan of action, and I am seeing results.

What do you know now about writing you wished you had known sooner?

So many things. Marketing for one. One of the lessons I'm currently learning is how to tune out the world and just do what I'm created to do. Sometimes that means tuning out expert advice. Sometimes it's a matter of tuning out hurtful reviews. And way too often it means avoiding the comparison game.

What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?
Don't rush. Publishing is a great thing, but rushing the product always means getting sloppy. While we'll always grow and look back at our older work and wish we had done things differently, at the end of the day you should feel really proud of what you've produced. And you can't rest, knowing you had done your best five years ago when you know that you ran ahead and created something that wasn't truly your best at that time.

Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?

There's only so much of the writing life that you can control. Take control of yourself and the areas you're allowed to bend and move, but let the other things go. You'll only stress yourself trying to force things beyond your reach. Trust me, I know. 😉

What is your latest release? 
My latest release is Falling Between the Pages, which just came out last month.

Can you give me a short synopsis?
All’s fair in love and fiction.

If Wendy Sutton has an antagonist in real life, it’s Peyton Gentry. Being forced to co-write a serial novel with her nemesis spells disaster. Working with the far-too-attractive and way-too-confident Peyton is guaranteed to push Wendy over the edge. But this assignment is the only way to prove herself and provide for Nana.

Peyton has had his eye on Wendy for years. After ruining their first date, he’s finally been given a second chance … but only if she’ll read between the lines of the romance he’s been writing just for her.

It’ll take forgiveness and faith if these two writers are ever to find themselves on the same page in matters of life and happily-ever-afters. Will Wendy and Peyton end up writing their own love story? Find out in this can’t-miss rom-com!

That's all for today's interview. If you'd like to learn more about Anita's writing, here are some links to get you started.


And here's a bonus for my readers, leave a comment on this post and we'll pick one reader who'll receive a copy of one of  
Anita's stand-alone eBooks. So do that now. It can be as simple as I want to be in the giveaway. We'll chose a winner next Friday!


  1. Love her writing style!

  2. I have never taken any writing course; however, the marketing course that Anita took sounds interesting and well worth the investment of time. thanks, Chris.
