I’ve been
writing stories since I was in elementary school. I set aside writing during my
career, but when my husband and I moved to NH in 2002 to operate a Bed and
Breakfast, I picked up my pen again and began doing freelance work for travel
and lifestyle magazines.
As much
as I enjoyed that, writing the articles reminded me how much I loved telling
stories, so I used NaNoWriMo to write my first novel. After many rejections of
that manuscript, I realized I had a LOT to learn. One of the things I did was
join ACFW and get involved in one of their critique groups which led to being
part of a group blog with other authors of historic fiction. We decided to
publish a collection of novellas, and I wrote Love’s Harvest over several
months for that series.
What drew
you to writing about WWII?
I have
always been interested in history, but living in the Washington, DC and
Northern Virginia area steered me toward the Civil War era. When we moved to
NH, I discovered the Wright Museum of WWII which is located in the town where I
live. Thanks to the museum’s exhibits and docents, I was hooked on the time
period after my first visit. When I started writing fiction again, I knew I
wanted to tell those people’s stories.
Several of your books are a retelling of Biblical stories. How did you manage to intertwine them into your WWII stories?
Several of your books are a retelling of Biblical stories. How did you manage to intertwine them into your WWII stories?
For Love’s
Harvest and Love’s Rescue, I knew which Biblical stories I wanted to
retell (Ruth and Rahab, respectively), so I researched organizations and events
from WWII to see what fit. Ruth’s gleaning in the fields led me to Britain’s
Women’s Land Army, and the two spies that Rahab hid led me to the liberation of
For the
other two books I wanted to explore the German home front and conscientious
objection. Finding two Biblical stories that worked with those topics took a
lot of digging and studying of the Bible, commentaries, and books about women
in the Bible. My brother suggested using Rebekkah and Isaac for Love’s
Are you
active with any writing critique groups?
I am
currently active in an online critique group with two other women I’ve never
met in person. We are an off-shoot of an ACFW group. Initially, the group had
about a half dozen folks, but the others have dropped out, and we’ve not been
successful in finding replacements.
I used to
belong to a local group, but we disbanded a couple of years ago. The
dissolution of the group helped me realize what is important in finding the
right critique group.
Any tips
on finding the right critique group?
other writers with the same level of experience who you like to be around.
Let’s face it, if they irritate you, you’re not likely to accept their
feedback. Seek others who are professional, and by that, I mean people who take
their writing as seriously as you do and have a similar vision for their
might be a no-brainer but choose others who enjoy your work. Partners who write
in a similar genre is also important. Related to professionalism is choosing
others who have similar habits to yours: someone whose critiquing preferences
match yours and who can give you the speed and amount of response you’re
looking for.
I see your books have been published by a number of different sources. What tips can you offer for working with a publisher? Do you have an agent?
I see your books have been published by a number of different sources. What tips can you offer for working with a publisher? Do you have an agent?
I am a
hybrid author which means I have books that are traditionally published and
others that are independently published. I don’t have an agent because I
haven’t needed one to approach the small and mid-sized companies who have
published my books.
To work
with a publisher means you must remember they are in charge, not you. They have
their best interests in mind, not yours. You will have very little input on the title, cover, or back of the book blurb. If those things are important to you,
consider indie publishing. The process with traditional publishers is also
quite long, sometimes as much as a year or more from signed contract to
published book.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
I find
revision to be the most difficult part of the writing process. For me, it’s
tedious. I’d rather move on to the next story than have to rehash/rework what’s
already on the page.
What does your editor remind you to do most often?
I love my
editor, Paula Proofreader. She is so gracious, and my writing is much better
because of her eagle-eye. Lately, she’s had to remind me about how to use
foreign language words in my stories. Before that, it was being aware of “weasel
words” (words that tend to be overused).
What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in your writing?
What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in your writing?
One of
the rejection letters I received when I submitted my “great American novel” was
fantastic, and I wish I had kept it. The well-known editor (of a major
Christian publisher) took the time to tell me where my work showed promise,
rather than simply send me a “thanks, but no thanks” letter or sending nothing
at all. To have a busy professional do that meant the world to me. Her letter
is what kept me going in the early days of learning how to write.
We have all experienced rejection. How have you learned to write past it?
As I’ve become more of an advanced writer, rejection doesn’t quite sting as badly as it used to. Trust me, it’s still difficult to receive, but I’ve learned that “no” means “next” or “not now.” I received a scathing rejection from a publisher and nearly stepped away from the industry, but my husband encouraged me to submit to the next publisher on my list and most importantly to keep writing.
We have all experienced rejection. How have you learned to write past it?
As I’ve become more of an advanced writer, rejection doesn’t quite sting as badly as it used to. Trust me, it’s still difficult to receive, but I’ve learned that “no” means “next” or “not now.” I received a scathing rejection from a publisher and nearly stepped away from the industry, but my husband encouraged me to submit to the next publisher on my list and most importantly to keep writing.
I forced
myself to start a new project after sending the manuscript. That publisher is
the one who picked up Under Fire. So now when I get a rejection, I start
a new project.
What has surprised you the most in writing/publishing?
I’ve been surprised at how warm and inviting the industry is. Having come from a corporate background and defense contracting where everything is a competition, the acceptance and help from other writers and industry professionals has been a delight.
What has surprised you the most in writing/publishing?
I’ve been surprised at how warm and inviting the industry is. Having come from a corporate background and defense contracting where everything is a competition, the acceptance and help from other writers and industry professionals has been a delight.
would be when life intervenes, and I’m not able to write as often or as much as
I’d like to.
What do you know now about writing you wished you had known sooner?
There is no one way to write and publish a book. There are many avenues to publication, and you have to find the one that works for you.
What do you know now about writing you wished you had known sooner?
There is no one way to write and publish a book. There are many avenues to publication, and you have to find the one that works for you.
What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?
As long
as writing brings joy to you, keep at it, and try to write something every day.
I had a frantic few days last week working extra shifts, and my writing was
falling by the wayside (which makes me cranky), so one morning before work I
had five extra minutes and decided to see how many words I could get on the
page of my work-in-progress. The answer? Eleven. Not many, but enough I felt
I’d accomplished something toward my goal. And that gave me joy (and lessened
my crankiness! J)
Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?
Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?
listen to the naysayers, even (especially) if they are family or friends.
What is the next book coming out? Can you give me a short synopsis?
What is the next book coming out? Can you give me a short synopsis?
& Sweethearts is coming out on April 15th. It’s the first in a trilogy
about three sisters who serve in various capacities for the (WWII) war effort.
to the OSS training manual, the life expectancy of a radio operator in
Nazi-occupied France is six weeks. Partnered with one of the agency’s top
spies, Gerard Lucas, newly-minted agent Emily Strealer plans to beat those
odds. Then their cover is blown and all bets are off.
border to neutral Switzerland is three hundred miles away—a long way to run
with SS soldiers on their heels.
Emily and Gerard survive the journey unscathed?
And what
about their hearts? Nothing in the manual prepared them for falling in love.
That sounds like an action-packed story! If you’d like to learn more about Linda’s writing and buy her books, here are some links to get you started.
signup (received a free short story): https://mailchi.mp/74bb7b34c9c2/lindashentonmatchettnewsletter
author page: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Shenton-Matchett/e/B01DNB54S0
Thanks for hosting me, Christine!
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview, Linda. I see many of my own experiences in yours here. However, I eventually found a small traditional publisher who is very eager to please their authors. God has been good. Your advice to new writers is spot on. All the best with your new release this month.