Blog Archive

Friday, February 11, 2022

Around the Web: Best Posts on Writing I've Discovered This Week

I hope to make this a weekly post to help authors starting out or those who want to improve their craft. 

Each Friday, I will include links to FIVE sources to improve your writing that I found of great help. 

So, here are the ones for the first week...

No matter what genre you write, this gives you a good reference point as to what readers expect in the length of a book for that genre. If you're thinking of switching or starting with a new genre, bookmark this post.

There is NO reason why you don't have a spell-check program on your computer that will give you a heads up in writing to editors, agents, publishers, as well as friends. Spell check won't catch everything, but when you see your errors with suggestions, you'll start self-editing after you see the same issue a couple of times and improve your writing.

Attitude is everything, especially in writing as you'll have to learn to deal with rejections from publishers to readers. Here are some tips of how to do that:

Even if you're planning to indie:publish, it helps to get insights from literary agents who can share their experience from reading books and submissions. This post deals with the best ways to start your book.

I'm a big fan of James Scott Bell books on writing. I like the way he explains the writing process. Here's a post that starts out with what makes Tom Brady such a great athlete, but skip past that if you're not a fan and get down to the part where he compares it to being a great writer. It's well worth the read.

If you haven't written anything today, start now. Make it a daily requirement - even if it's only a paragraph. You can't edit a page, unless it's been written!


  1. Hi Christine. Thanks for your helpful information and inspiration. Just bought your book "The First Noel" and I look forward to reading it. –Phill Cooper, FCW member

    1. Glad you're enjoying the posts. And thanks for buying my book.
