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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Challenges of Publishing: Author Interview with Deborah Jean Miller

What inspired you to write that first novel? Who encouraged you to finish and publish it? 
The inspiration for my first novel, The Essence of Shade, was a story that had mysteriously appeared in my brain 20 years ago and never left. I love a story where I cannot guess the ending, so after watching the movie “Presumed Innocent”, I fell in love the excitement of the unguessable. I hope this comes across in my first book.

The person who encouraged me the most is my brother, Gary Murrell, who wrote a self-help book. He is by far a better writer, but he consistently pushed me along, praising my work. I don’t think I would have continued to write without his support.

Your books are independently published. Did you do the formatting and cover design, or did you hire others? 
I am a research fanatic, so I wanted my book to look professional (per the many posts about the importance of looking professional) and hired a designer. Since my book is Christian fiction, I looked for a Christian designer who also offered an affordable package that included formatting.

I did a lot of research about ISBN codes, how to self publish my book, etc. I ended up publishing on Amazon (of course!), and also used Draft 2 Digital for non-Kindle eBooks. Then after reading about how book stores and libraries acquire books, I published on Ingram Spark. I did all of this myself after reading countless articles.

What’s the hardest part for you in publishing your own books?
For me, marketing is the hardest part and I’ve yet to conquer this beast. I created my own website after watching YouTube videos. I’m not a web developer but learned how to do this after research. I hate social media and I’m not good at creating a following. Most of my sales are through friends, a few editorial reviews, and eBook promotions, the biggest being BookBub. And I always hound people to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. These are very helpful.

What is the hardest part of writing for you? 
The hardest part of writing is finding quiet time and finding the right words. I have no writing background, other than creating training manuals for my job, so I just kept refining, rewriting, etc. I probably reread the book over 10 times, cutting scenes along the way. My brother was a big help, reading sections as I went along. 

For tension and scene creation, I usually stop and picture myself as the character and how I would react based on the personality I’ve given her. The Essence of Shade is very much a romantic novel. I got so wrapped up in the character, that I actually fell in love with man I had created. It was a very emotional experience for me. Hard to describe.

What’s the best encouragement you’ve had in your writing?
When someone actually likes the story (and you can tell who is lying!), that is the biggest motivator. And seeing reviews written by unbiased people like book bloggers or the general public. I get so excited when someone I don’t know leaves a wonderful review. And my brother’s constant encouragement when I complained about my writing. I too often compare myself to great writers, but my brother told me that some people love long, flowery prose (which is so not me), and others just want an engaging story. I fit the latter.

What do you know now about writing you wished you had known sooner?
I wish I would have taken writing classes in school, but I didn’t. I also wrote my first novel at the age of 62! I wish I would have started sooner.

What is the best writing advice you’ve received or could give?
Be true to yourself and write for yourself. Don’t try to please the masses. And when you start writing, just do a brain dump through the whole novel. Don’t try to be perfect in the first draft, then go back through several times and refine. Cut sentences and words that don’t matter. Then get a group of friends to read your book and give honest feedback.

Are there any other points about writing you would like to add?
I tried to secure an agent and sent out over 70 Query letters, but no bites. This can be discouraging, but keep your chin up. When there were no takers, I decided to self publish. In the long run, it's better for me to self publish since I have all control.

Can you give me a short synopsis of your latest book?
My most recent novel is Escaping Pretense. Unlike my first, this is not Christian fiction, although it is Christian leaning. It’s about a dysfunctional woman who decides to embezzle money from her wealthy clients after being denied a promotion. 

Just when she thinks she has pulled off the perfect crime, she is confronted by the FBI in her office inside the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. But she manages to escape and is presumed dead. It’s really more about self-discovery and redemption.

Sounds intriguing! If you'd like to learn more about Deborah's writing, here are the links to get you started.

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